Git is a version control system that allows for all versions of code based projects to be to be stored. GitHub is a tool used to host all the files of a project, better known as a repository, online and also for multiple people to work collaboratively in an efficient way. GitHub also has a feature, Git Large File Storage(Git LFS) that allows all of the photo files to be stored safely, avoid long load times when working on/displaying the website, and most importantly: take up less space.


This Git Wiki will cover all steps of the process of fully switching to a Git workflow

Installing Git

Installing Git LFS

Getting TBH files (Clone a repository)

Git Workflow

Installing Git

Download Git for Windows if you do not already have it. You should use all the default configurations

Installing Git LFS

What is Git LFS?

Git LFS or Git Large File Storage is an extension that help with working with large files such as images. It replaces the actual file with a pointer. This essentially allows the file to be stored in a remote server instead of on the computer hard drive. Hence the name pointer, it “points” to the location on the server where the image is.

Without Git LFS


The “Git Repository” is the file directory on your computer. Say there are three files in your directory and each of them take up disk space. Now image having hundreds of files, your disk drive would be filled much more quickly!